
Check out Krista's blog, the info she shares is always simple and easy to follow. Proper nutrition is so basic, it's how our Grandmother's ate. One of the benefits I have enjoyed by eating better is the improvements to my energy. Krista addresses this issue in her blog titled: Having Trouble with Lack of Energy. If you are trying to loose weight, starting with your nutrition gives you the energy you need to be motivated to exercise. Nutrition plays the biggest role in the success of your weight loss goals. 

Sisu Supreme Multi-Vitamin, Sisu ( B - Stress )
Vineyard in Penticton B.C.
Week 2 added Emergen-C powder in pm


Luckily I do not have any really bad habits to break to help me reach my nutrition goals and the changes I'm making, I am doing gradually. This is a life style change not a diet. 

My first bad habit was not eating a proper breakfast. Most mornings I would get Tim Horton's on my way into work or I would have a granola bar at my desk and by lunch I was starving. So I started making myself a shake in the morning with Vega whole food powder. I've been having the shakes for 4 weeks now and I am noticing a big difference in how I feel throughout the day.

My Shake Recipe
1 Scoop Vega One (natural flavour)
1 cup Pomegranate Juice
1 oz Acai Juice
Frozen Strawberries
Frozen Blackberries

Second bad habit, I do not drink enough water during the day. Most days the only fluids I would have was my morning coffee and gingerale at meals. 2 weeks ago I challenged my self to have 1 bottle of water a day and when I crave a gingerale, I have a Pierre instead. 2 weeks late I haven't had a gingerale and I am drinking water all day even in between meals. The great thing about trying to form a better water drinking habit is that once you start hydrating your body, your body starts to crave it. I am now hooked on water!

Third bad habit, I don't plan my meals so I don't eat well or eat enough during the day and by the time I get home I have no energy.  So my goal this week is to eat better during the day. I am going to have snacks each day and make my lunch at least 3 days (easy goal, since it is a short week).

After my Nutrition assessment with Krista, she found that I would benefit from a multi vitamin, a B-vitamin, more fish oils and leafy greens. I've been taking the multivitamin for a week now. I break it open into my shake in the morning - now it is part of my routine. Next week, I am going to introduce the B-vitamin. I'm going to be taking the Sisu B-Stress Vitamin. I am looking forward to seeing the results!

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